I haven't had the chance to blog this week because I have been so busy! I started my new job on Monday. Boy, was it an overwhelming day! There is a lot to learn and understand and I had a headache at the end of the day! It is going to be training and orientation for a couple of weeks while getting to know the company, people, and job that I'm going to be doing. Tuesday was much better day. I was in a meeting with one of the managers and she helped make things clear as to what I was going to be doing! Much of the same the past two days and everyday things are getting better and I'm understanding more. I know it is still a lot to learn and a long road ahead, but I'm excited to see what it holds! I think I will like it in the long run! I was hired with another guy and he seems fun. We both get to come in and leave whenever we want, as long as we get our hours of course!!! So I've been getting up @ 5 and getting to work around 7:15. Boy is it early, but I would rather get to work early and get home early in the afternoon. Also, I get to have every other Friday off, but work 9 hour days Monday-Thursday. To me, that is nothing bad and I consider having every other Friday off great and would rather work those longer days! So everything is going good. Thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes, and if you could continue to pray for me I would appreciate it!
I'm also asking for pray of travel mercies. Bill and I are leaving bright and early in the morning to go on vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina with all of his mom's side of the family. There is around 20 of us going and we will be gone until the 11th. I'm soooo ready for a vacation!!! I can't wait to go to the beach!!! So if you have a few mintues, please pray for safe travel there and back, to be safe the time we are there, and that nobody kills each other! HA HA!!! Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!!!
God Bless,
Saturday Suggestions: Inspirations for Your Weekend
20 hours ago