Well, Christmas has come and gone. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday I just got that dang tree up! I don't know why, but Christmas seemed to have gone by extrememly fast this year. It might have been from all of the long work hours that I put in before Christmas, but I just think it was really fast this year! There are a lot of photos in this blog, so I'll just let the pictures do the talking! Christmas began for Bill and I on December 20th with Christmas at my parents and at my cousin Beanie and Al's for the Sprinkle side, December 23rd with Bill's mom and niece, Christmas Eve at Bill's dad and stepmom's, and Christmas day with each other in the morning, my grandparent's in Bloomfield for the afternoon, and last but not least, Bill's aunt's house for his mom's side that evening! Yes, it was a tiring week! Unfortunately, Bill was working Christmas weekend, and was called out around 3:30 on Christmas Eve and missed going to his dad and stepmom's. I went ahead down without him. He didn't get home until 12:30 Christmas morning, and was back out around 4 or so to do the work he had to do that day, but was able to get home around 8! I was so relieved that nothing happened Christmas day and we were able to spend our 2nd Christmas as a married couple together! Here are some pictures I took during all of our Christmas Celebrations!
Christmas at my mom and dad's

Smiling Cutie Reece

Reece loves Elmo!

Braeden opening his big present from Mamaw and Papaw

Mom got a Snuggie from Bill!

Bill loved his Notre Dame zip-up hoodie from the Petty's
Christmas with the Sprinkle Side

Erin drew Bill's name and got him another wrestling DVD!

Some of my family after opening presents!
Christmas at my grandparents

All of the great grandkids and my cousin Ryan!

Mamaw and Papaw's great grandkids-Braeden, Taegan, Reece, and Addyson

Aunt Kelley and Reece
Christmas at Bill's aunt Sandy and uncle Dick's

Amanda got such a pretty garter!
Tony opening his gift in his Scott Farcus hat!
Uncle Dick got Batman underware from his grandson Lane!

Angie got a pig's ear from Matthew after she won a round of Bingo!
After Christmas, I only had to work 3 days that week because my Friday off fell on New Year's day, but I had to get so many hours in for the month of December before I could for sure get Thursday off. So I worked an average of 10 hours each day to get those in. They were really long and by Wednesday, I was feeling it. I had a stuffy nose, sore throat, and just felt awful. I came home Wednesday and went straight to bed. I was just going to lay down for a little while, but I ended up sleeping the whole night! I slept for 12 hours, which is something I haven't done in a really long time! I felt a little better when I got up Thursday, but still had a stuffy nose. Bill made breakfast for me that morning and we just layed around most of the day. During the afternoon, I began to get a stomach ache and really wondered if I was getting the flu. But I toughed it up and we went to Bill's aunt and uncle, Sandy and Dick's, for New Year's, which is something we do every year. They had all kinds of food, but I couldn't eat anything. I tried to eat a coney and some chip dip, but only had a few bites. But as the evening went on, my stomach began to feel better, but I still had a stuffed up nose! Bill started feeling bad that night as well. We slept in on New Year's day, which I'm sure we needed. We really just layed around again all day. I really felt about the same. My sisters' Kelley, Erin, and Michael came over and we had a sister sleepover. We made homemade pizzas, which is what we always do when they stay the night. They ate almost all of their pizzas, while Bill and I could only eat one piece of ours! Pepto was being passed back and forth between Bill and I that night! He got pretty sick, but I was still about the same. January 2nd, we felt about the same. Bill had been up all night, but he still made the girls some breakfast. We layed around in our pj's all day. The girls left around 6 and Bill and I started to feel better right before we went to bed. Today we are feeling better, but just hoping that it is really gone. It has been a miserable 4 days! So hopefully the sick bug is gone!!!
Hope everyone had a great New Year's! Bill and I had a good year, but it was rough the last two months. We are hoping for a great 2010 and I'm hoping that for you as well!
Love and Blessings,