I know I've waited way to long to post on this! It just seems I never have enough time in a day to get everything that I want done! I received my Valentine's present a couple of days early this year. Bill and I had talked about getting a puppy around Christmas. So he researched and found a couple in Madison that would have some Golden Retriever puppies born in January 2010. This was suppose to be a surprise, but my husband isn't good about keeping a secret and I found out the date the puppies were born, added 6 weeks, and pretty much knew when our puppy would arrive, Valentine's Day. But Bill thought he would still surprise me by going and getting her early, but he isn't very good at sneaking around and I figured out that he went on Wednesday, February 10th to get our girl puppy. Here are some pictures of Lucy's first night with us.
People have asked why we got a Golden Retriever. When I was younger, that is what my mom got my dad one year and he was such a good dog and never harmed anyone. I loved that dog and have always wanted another Golden Retriever some day. So since this is technically my dog, I got to pick what I wanted. Bill and I both decided on the name Lucy too. It was one of the first names that came to both of our minds and just kept coming back, even though we had looked and thought of other names. It definately fits her too.
Lucy has been a pretty good dog so far. She almost has the potty thing down, but has a few accidents every once in a while, and that is usually when we aren't paying attention to her or when Bill leaves the room! She loves Bill and if he leaves her alone, she will whimper or run after him. As you can see from the picture below, there is a different comforter on our bed, so she has some accidents before we get up or can get her outside. The only thing she needs to learn is to sleep in her own bed!!!! Just like a child, once they go in your bed, they don't leave! She thinks she has to sleep with us, usually at our heads or on our pillows. She has improved her sleeping by sleeping more during the night, but I would love for her to sleep in her crate! We definately need to work on that! But overall, she has been fun and the perfect addition to our family!!!!
Hopefully, I'll continue to take pictures and show just how big she gets over the summer. She has been out the past couple of days and loves to run around. We've all enjoyed the weather and the sunshine and hope ya'll have too!
Love and Blessings,