A few days later, May 6th, I had another doctor's appointment. It was the lovely glucose test. I didn't think the drink was that bad, but it wasn't good either. So we went and had blood drawn. We also decided to try for the 3D ultrasound that day. Bill went with to see his baby girl for the first time. Well, she had other plans. She was laying face down and didn't want us to see her. So we rescheduled for 2 weeks later. After the doctor, we headed to Evansville to get my baby registry set up. Boy, that takes forever!!! But it was fun. We also did some shopping. Before we left, we were able to pick up Bill's mom from Deaconess Gateway and bring her home! From my last post, she was in the hospital for a week at Washington, but then decided to be transfered to Deaconess to try and find out what was wrong with her leg. She saw many doctors, including specialists. Unfortunately, nothing was ruled the cause, but she was on medicine and had improved enough to go home.
Later that next week, I found out I PASSED my glucose test! YAH! I was worried since both my mom and sister had had gestational diabetes while pregnant.
At the end of May, my best friend Amy had her baby shower in Odon. She is having TWIN girls and is due at the end of August, but more than likely have them a month early, which is around the time little miss is due. It has been so fun to share pregnancy talks and info with her. I loved sharing our first pregnancies together.