Saturday, December 31, 2011

May Bringings

The month of May came and went. Bill began painting our baby girl's room the first week of May. He had been dieing to paint, but it took so long to find out what the baby was and then I wasn't sure which bedding I wanted. We looked and looked and kept coming back to the Tropical Punch by Cocalo. Once it came in, Bill took it to work and matched the paint and he began painting. He started it, but a friend of his finished it and put the white chair rail between the shebert and pink colors. Here are some of the beginning pictures of the room.

A closer look at the colors: shebert and pink

Almost finished!

A few days later, May 6th, I had another doctor's appointment. It was the lovely glucose test. I didn't think the drink was that bad, but it wasn't good either. So we went and had blood drawn. We also decided to try for the 3D ultrasound that day. Bill went with to see his baby girl for the first time. Well, she had other plans. She was laying face down and didn't want us to see her. So we rescheduled for 2 weeks later. After the doctor, we headed to Evansville to get my baby registry set up. Boy, that takes forever!!! But it was fun. We also did some shopping. Before we left, we were able to pick up Bill's mom from Deaconess Gateway and bring her home! From my last post, she was in the hospital for a week at Washington, but then decided to be transfered to Deaconess to try and find out what was wrong with her leg. She saw many doctors, including specialists. Unfortunately, nothing was ruled the cause, but she was on medicine and had improved enough to go home.

Later that next week, I found out I PASSED my glucose test! YAH! I was worried since both my mom and sister had had gestational diabetes while pregnant.

At the end of May, my best friend Amy had her baby shower in Odon. She is having TWIN girls and is due at the end of August, but more than likely have them a month early, which is around the time little miss is due. It has been so fun to share pregnancy talks and info with her. I loved sharing our first pregnancies together.

My mom eating the dirty diaper! It was a game where you had to try and guess the candy bar in the diaper.

High School friends at Amy's shower


April Things

On Friday, April 8th, I had a doctor's appointment. I also was hoping to find out if Baby Dyer was a boy or girl. We had already tried 2 times and the baby had it's legs cross both times. The ultrasound tech thought she knew on the second time what it was, but didn't want to say for sure. Bill and I decided that we would try 1 more time and if we didn't find out, we were just going to wait until the baby arrived. As the time before, I drank a HUGE glass of OJ to try and get this baby moving around. Bill didn't go with my because I had another way of telling him in mind. After seeing the doctor, I went to the ultrasound room and it didn't take but 5 minutes and she told me what the gender was. Third times the charm! So I called my friend who was making a cake that had icing in the middle to reveal the baby's gender. Didn't she do an awesome job?

When Bill got home that night, I got the cake out and let him cut into it to see what color the icing was in the middle. To our's a GIRL!!!! We thought/wanted a boy, but are very excited to have a girl! Here is little MISS's ultrasound pic!

Baby GIRL Dyer!

Already have some swelling!

In the middle of April, we had some horrible storms rip through our area. Since I go to sleep so early, we were awoken to the sound of high winds. My husband is scared of storms, so he rushed the dogs and I to the basement. I'm not scared of storms, but I must say, this was probably the most scared I have been. The wind was so strong it was shaken our basement door. Here are some pictures of our damage.

Around this same time, Bill's mom was put in the hospital. She had a spot on her foot that kept bothering her and made it tough to walk. One night, she got sick, had the chills, and was somewhat out of it. They took her to the ER and kept her at the hospital in Washington for a week. They never could figure out what it was exactly. They thought it was celluites, a spider bite, etc. Her leg turned all sorts of colors and was just awful.

The last weekend in April, my nephew Braeden had his 7th birthday party. Still doens't seem possible. It was a park in Bloomington and it was a really nice day, even though it was a bit chilly. Here are some pictures from the big party.

Braeden's treasure chest cake

Nephew Reece with my mom and dad

Bill playing tennis with Reece. This was when Reece told me, "I'm not very good." So cute!

My prego sis and her "Pirate Booty"

Braeden trying to bust the pinata

All the kids getting the candy

Getting ready to blow out the candles! Happy 7th Birthday Braeden!

Much more to come!


Yes, I'm back....More updating!

I apologize for the leave of absence!!! As you can imagine, life has been crazy and when I actually have time to get on the computer, blogging just never seems to be apealing or I just never get the chance. One of my New Year's Resolutions to blog as much as possible! I want to remember all the things we have done over the year, especially with Peyton as she grows so fast. So hopefully I can get the chance to blog everyday or every other. So enjoy my updating...
