After scrapbooking, I came home and did some much needed cleaning. Bill came home a few minutes later and it was great to spend the afternoon with him. After doing some cleaning, we watched a movie, but we both fell asleep. It was a much needed nap! We woke up about 3 and had to get ready. We went to Bill's cousin's daughter, Emilee Shake's graduation party @ Bill's aunts. It was fun getting together with family and the cake was so good! We then went to his niece, Sadie's, birthday party. She turned 13 on April 27. It was good spending time with Bill's brothers, dad, and stepmom, whom we don't get to spend as much time with. Our nephew, Dayton is growing so fast and had gotten so big since the last time I had seen him. He looks just like his dad, Jordan, and was just a good baby the whole time we were there. After that, we came home and my sister Kelley came over and watched the NASCAR race with us. It was a pretty good race, but I feel asleep during the last half of the race!
The next day was a pretty busy day as well. I got up and got ready for church. Bill had to work that morning, but he stopped in the middle to come home, shower, and go to church. I love that I have a man who puts everything aside to be with God. It just makes me feel so blessed! After church, I went with my parents and sisters to my nephew Braeden's 5th birthday party. Even though Bill was almost done with work for the day, he was on call and needed to be close by incase something would happen. Braeden's party theme this year was a carnival. There were fun games for the kids to play, carnival food, and fun for all. I'll leave ya'll with some pictures from the party!
Birthday boy playing games
My sister Laurie wanted to play too!
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
God Bless, Whitney
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