So I guess I better pick up where I last left off. After Bill and I got back from Gatlingburg for our anniversary, we both had a full week of work. It was definately a long week after being gone for a few weeks. On Saturday, Bill's friend Andy and daughter Marissa came up and stayed the whole day and night. We just hung around the house. That night, Bill fixed a big supper for all of us plus my mom, dad, and sisters. After supper we all watched the Nationwide race, which was in Indy. Then we all went to bed-we had a big day the next day. Sunday was the Brickyard and we go every year. We left around 7, dropped Marissa off at her grandma's, and headed to Indy. My dad, mom, sisters Kelley, Erin, and Michael, Andy, Bill, and I stopped to eat breakfast then headed to the track. We went into the infield to get our shirts and then hung out in the shade until driver introductions. It was warm, but it definately wasn't near as hot as it has been in the past. The race was pretty good overall. There wasn't a caution every 10 laps like last year, but Jimmie Johnson won, who I can't stand. I hadn't been out in the sun and hot for a long time, and so I got a headache pretty easily. But as the day went on, it got worse and worse, and by the time the race was over and we were walking back to our car, it became a migraine. I was miserable the rest of the way home. Thank goodness my mom had an Imitrex-it knocked me out and I was felling a million times better by the time we picked Marissa up. We got home around 9 and went straight to bed.
The next day I didn't have to go to work because I was leaving for the week for work. They like for all of their new employees to come out for 4 days to learn about the company and about their positions. So Monday morning I got up and got ready and packed . Bill had to work so my mom took me to the airport. We left home around 10 and got to the airport around noon. Once I got my luggage checked in, we checked out the new airport and ate lunch. Then, we just looked around and then I had to get through security. My plane left @ 2:30 and landed@ 4. After getting my luggage, finding the shuttle to the hotel, I got some supper and just chilled out. I so wasn't feeling well-I started feeling like I had a UTI the day before and it had gotten worse that day, which eventually would be EXTREMELY painfully the rest of the week!!!! Tuesday through Friday were filled with training. Some of it was fun, but some of it wasn't necessary. I felt it could have been done in about 2 days instead of 4. Oh well. I was missing Bill so much and since I had a UTI, I wanted to be home more than anything. So Friday finally came and our training was done @ 2. So I went to the airport, got checked in, went through security, and looked forward to going home. Bill was on call that night, so my sister Kelley came and picked me up. We ate at Steak and Shake on the way home and I got home around 10. I was so excited to be back and see my husband! I was over traveling at this point!
It was pretty low key around here that weekend. We did celebrate Bill's birthday on Sunday, August 2nd with family. I bought a cake and my mom made homemade ice cream, his favorite. I think he enjoyed his birthday, especially the ice cream. Poor guy is getting older, but never acts his age!
The rest of the week was filled with work. Bill used his birthday money and bought a Wii Fit. He got the Wii from his mom for his birthday and wanted the Fit. So we have been working out on that ever since. We both know that we need to get in better shape and eat better, and ever since we have gotten it, we have done pretty good. We've both lost around 10 pounds. Bill might be closer to 11 or so, since guys lose weight faster than girls, which makes me sick!!!
Well this blog is getting long, so I'll quit rambling! Hope everyone is enjoying this great weather!
Love and Blessings,
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That is great you have lost 10 lbs already!! Awesome! The wii fit has some great work-outs and is fun at the same time.