Sorority Sisters-me, Chelsea, Laurie, and Cristy
This past week has been pretty typical. Bill and I both worked, but it was our short week, so Bill only worked Sunday-Wednesday and I worked Monday-Thursday. Friday was the first day of the Covered Bridge Festival. My mom's side of the family always has the tradition of going on the first day. Well, mother nature wanted us to change our plans, but we didn't. Although my mamaw, papaw, and great aunt Phyllis didn't go, my mom, aunt Jennifer, and sisters Laurie and Kelley went. It did rain the whole time, but it wasn't a heavy or down pour rain. We got some good deals and bought some cute stuff. We got home after 8, but had a really good day spending time with each other.
Saturday I went to Indianapolis to spend the day with my college roommate Tara. I hadn't seen Tara since my wedding, so it was long overdue for us to spend some time together. We met at O'Charley's around noon and ate lunch and then did some shopping. It was great to see Tara and chat about what was going on in our lives. I spend more money at the mall, so I think I'm done spending money for awhile! I got home that night around 6:30 and Bill had supper waiting for me-such a great husband. We just watched tv the rest of the night and I fell asleep a little after 8. I was exhausted.
Sunday was church and then getting ready for the big surprise party. A few months back, Bill and I decided that we should throw a surprise 60th birthday party for his mom, Marsha. We told Hap about it and he agreed. So we decided to have it before her birthday, October 17th, so we shouldn't suspect anything. Bill told her that he had to work on my birthday, October 22, and I was upset with him, so he wanted her help to throw a surprise birthday party for me. So she thought that the party was for me, when it was actually for her! So Bill and I did a lot of the planning and Breanna, our neice, helped with invitations. I'm really suprised that no one spilled the beans and told her. But she was suprised and it was a nice little party for her. Here are a few pictures from her surprise birthday party!
Surprise Marsha!
I had today off, since it is a government holiday. It isn't a holiday with my contractor, but I had a floating holiday I got to use. I'm so glad I did because I'm so tired after such a busy weekend. I did laundry, put winter clothes up, picked up around the house, got my hair highlighted, got my fall decorations out, went to my moms to put up my sisters uppercase living sign, did the dishes, and now finally relaxing. My husband is gone for the night, he took my sister Erin to WWE RAW wrestling in Indy. That is what we got her for her bday, and I'm glad Bill was willing to take her, since he use to watch it a long time ago. So it was been a nice, but busy day. Hope everyone had a great day and that the week will be nice!
Love and Blessings,
Whitney, my husband experienced the same thing when we moved to Chicago after he had been gone for 17 years. He thought we would get there and he would fall right back into family life (his family is still there), his old friends. What he discovered (and what he tells me) is that "you can never go back home". What we discovered together is that our "home" is the life we have built together. It's good to go back and visit, but there is always something missing in those places!! It feels sad when you figure those things at, but definitely appreciative of the life you have created :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!!!
I know what you mean when you were talking about Muncie.... things will change. It is kinda sad in a way but that is why I try to cherish moments even more. But it is great to remember those memories and think what will come in the future as well. Life is a wonderful journey!
ReplyDeleteThe surprise b-day party was a great idea!