Monday, May 3, 2010

2 Years Ago!

This was 2 years ago today! May 3rd, 2008 I finally graduated from Ball State University. What began as a 3 hour drive, away from home for the first time, Telecommunications major turned into 5 years, 2 different majors later, sorority girl, and most of all, life changing experience that was my college experience. I learned so much about life and other people and these things will live with me for the rest of my life. I sit now and think back to move-in day Freshman year and it seems like yesterday. And it only seems like hours ago that I was walking across the stage to receive my diploma holder!!! There are so many times that I want to go back to the years-maybe I would have done something different, maybe I would have just relaxed and took it all in, but no matter what happened, I wouldn't have changed one single thing. Those 5 years have helped make me who I am today. I know I can't go back, even though I try so hard to. I cherish most of my college memories, and if you were at all a part of them, I just want to say thanks! When I look back at that day, I didn't think things would be the way they are, but that is all part of God's plan. I can't believe it has been 2 years after all of that hard work and dedication, but it was definately 5 years that I will never forget. I'm so proud that I accomplished one of my life goals-becoming a college graduate!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you for being a college graduate too!! At times I remember thinking, oh am I ever going to make it. haha. But after 4 years (5 years for you) of LOTS of studying here we are:) I can still picture us graduating high school together. Things have changed so much...more than I could have imagined but wouldn't change anything for the world! There is a reason for everything and GOD has a plan for each one of us.

    PS- have been missing updates from you:(
