As you can see, there were a lot of fun things to do at Hollywood Studios. We saw lots of shows and rode a few fun rides. The best story of the day was Bill riding the Rocking Roller Coaster. Bill hates rollercoasters, but said since he went all the way to Disney, he was willing to try them. He did really good the day before on the Mt. Everest rollercoaster at Animal Planet, so he was feeling pretty good about riding the Rockin' Roller Coaster. So we get on the ride and he is starting to think differently, but I on the other hand LOVE rollercoasters and was really excited! Some rollercoasters go up a big hill and start out slow...not this one. It takes off fast and is that way the entire time! As soon as it takes off, Bill grabs my hand and squeezes so hard that I thought he ripped my fingernail off! He is screaming like a girl, as I scream at excitement! As soon as it is done, I tell Bill the ride is over and he just sits there because he doesn't believe me! Then I thought he was going to get sick because he jumped off the ride, but he didn't and just wanted to get away from the ride! I asked him if he saw all of the cool things (the ride is inside and it is dark and has neon lights and roadsigns) and he says he didn't see anything because his eyes were closed the entire time! Oh he is too funny! God bless him for trying, but after that ride, he was done with rides for the day! I love that he tries to do things that I like, but he didn't like that at all! My sister Erin and I enjoyed it so much that before we left the park, we rode it one more time. I highly recommend it!
When we got back to the hotel, Bill and I decided to go swimming, but shortly after getting in the pool, it started to rain. So we went and ate some supper and cooled out for the night and went to bed early. We had a big day the next day because we were going to the Magic Kingdom!!!!
More Disney Vacation to come in the next blog!
Love and Blessings,
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