The next day I went to a baby shower for Tiffany Shake. Tiffany and I went to high school together and she is expecting her first child, a girl in September. It was fun seeing her and some of my other friends from high school. Here is a picture of us all!
The next weekend, Bill and I went to Michigan with my dad, mom, and sisters Kelley, Erin, and Michael to for Emilee Harp and Lucas Campbell's wedding. My dad and Emilee's dad Steve have been best friends since high school and our families have stayed close over the years. Here are some pictures from Emilee and Lucas's big day!
On Monday, July 19th, Bill and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. We both had to work that day, so we just went out to dinner that night. It wasn't anything special, but we were together and that was all that mattered. I can't believe we have been married for 2 years, but I'm so glad I'm married to my best friend!
On Saturday, July 24th, my roommate from college Tara had her bridal shower in Indy. Tara and I lived on the same floor our freshman and sophomore years and lived in an apartment together the next 2 years. She is getting married in September and it was great to see her.
Kelley and Sarah lived in the apartment across from us.
The next day, Sunday, July 25th, was the Brickyard 400 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It was suppose to be really hot that day, but actually turned out to be a nice day. I got really sunburned because I forgot to put on sunscreen! Stupid me! The race was pretty good and had a different winner than usual. Here are some pictures from the day!
Whit I never forget you and your love for Nascar!! July was busy for your guys!! Every week-end you were going somewhere but one of those week-ends I got to see you:) And poor Tiff is now over due. I bet I am way off on my prediction that we filled out. ha