My sister's put together a baby shower for me on Sunday, June 12th. It was a great time and I was very blessed by everyone that came and all of the sweet things that our baby girl will get to enjoy. Below are some pictures of the great day!

Prego sisters! Me and my sister Laurie. Our due dates are 3 1/2 weeks apart!

Kelley, Laurie, me, Michael, and Erin

Flower socks as centerpieces on the tables

Closer look at the little signs

Table decorations

Diaper cake my sister made me

Food table

Cake and cupcakes my dear friend Makayla made

More cupcakes!

Trying to guess the candy bar in the diaper

Toilet paper game. As you can see, I gained all 9 pounds in the behind!

Grady helped me open my gifts! Tub from the best jewelry lady Jenny!

Blanket from Great Aunt Phyllis

Cute outfits from Aunt Laurie

Cardinal onesies from Aunt Kelley, Erin, and Michael

My best friend Amy, sister Laurie, and I. We were all due within 6 weeks.

College roommate Tara and I. So glad she could make it down!

Bill got a shower present from his mom

Ready for delivery!
Love & Blessings,
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